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We’ve only got a month to the November 8 elections. The question is will we survive it??? The key issues are abortion rights and crime, I think. The Gubner candidates faced off last week in a debate. Ima didn’t see it, but one or two good licks got through on both sides I heard. Someone said they kept waiting on one of them to say “Liar, liar, your pants are on fire” because several times they called each other liars. Pritz was vindicated when Chicago took top honors as the best big city instead of being named a hell hole Bailey says it is. And Charles Thomas is still trying to justify his trust in Farmer Darren Bailey. He said it was a business deal. Bailey wants to know why the immigrants can’t stay at the Hilton hotels? Now I’m just sayin’ both candidates leave a lot to be suspicious of, for instance how can Gubner Pritzker have so much money and be so fat? How can you trust a farmer that can’t buy a pair of jeans that fit around his tubby belly? Well, these are questions that need to be explored when the voters make up their mind which one to vote for. I’m just sayin’.
The Republican Pacs done found out one way to help their Gubner campaign is to talk to the Black People. Charles Thomas started it off and a Black former Military Lady said Pritzker must go. Blacks are easy pickings ‘cause the Democratic Party done ignored them forever, dey don’t even get a chicken in every pot anymore. Ima heard that the Pacs have plenty of money and they are throwing it around. Maybe, just maybe Pritzker would like to have part of that $30 million he put out in the primary to defeat the Black Mayor that ran on the Republican side? Ima just wondering??? The truth is Black folk don’t really care which one wins. The abortion issue is the only thing that is kinda making Black folks stick with the portly Gubner. Hey Maze, what’s in it for the Black people?
I guess folks in California, especially Los Angeles, didn’t hear about loose lips that talked about some Black folks being more acceptable than others in Illinois (Chicago Blacks) came out in the last Gubernatorial campaign four years ago. Now we hear tell that some Brown folks in the City Council and such was outted about last week calling Black kids, monkeys. I guess they thought it was all right ‘cause they called the first Black President and First Lady monkeys, and stuff and it didn’t cause an insurrection. But Black folks stormed the Council meeting the other night and Ima heard it wasn’t nothing nice. Before it is over you might hear of a Black national figure who used text messages in an election scheme. Stay tuned, it’s bound to get out.
A couple of weeks back the talk in the sports world was the Boston Celtics coach’s indiscretions with a fellow employee, but before that word and talk was about former football player Brett Favre taking over a million dollars from one of the poorest states in the union, Mississippi. He was supposed to make speeches for the money. You better believe the talk was so loud about the basketball coach, more than Favre bilking the poor folks.