The 17th Ward holds Ninth Annual South Side Memorial Day Parade

As the nation prepares to honor the more than 18 million living veterans in the United States, the demographics of those who served are changing. No longer does World War I and II account for the majority of living veterans. According to Pew Research Center, nearly 8 million living veterans served in the Gulf War.

In Illinois, the majority of living veterans served during the Vietnam War era. In 2022, more than 475,000 veterans lived in Illinois, with 65,000 calling Chicago home. Over the next 25 years, the number of women, Black and Latino veterans is expected to increase. While the share of white veterans is projected to drop.

In an effort to honor the veterans living in the 17th Ward and throughout the city, Ald. David Moore began the South Side Memorial Day Parade nine years ago. Auburn Gresham is home to St. Leo’s Campus for Veterans, where the parade begins each year with a wreath laying ceremony.

“We are lucky to have this great resource for veterans in our community,” says Ald. David Moore. “So, in addition to focusing on their sacrifice, this is our way to give something back to them in terms of honor, respect and much needed services.”

The parade ceremony is Monday, May 27, 2024, starting at 10 a.m. Marchers will wind through Auburn Gresham from 77th Street and Emerald Avenue with a wreath laying ceremony in front of St. Leo’s Residence for Veterans. This year’s grand marshal and honorees are: 97-year-old World War II Navy veteran Theodore Vernon, 96-year-old Korean War Army veteran Paul Long, 85-year-old Vietnam War Army veteran Andrew Brown and 65-year old Navy veteran Emmanuel Omar.

Also taking part in the parade are The Tuskegee Airmen, Triple Nickels 555th, Montford Point Marines, Strike Force, The American Legion, the Buffalo Soldiers 9th & 10th Horse Cavalry, the Dancing Divas from St. Louis, Barton and Oglesby Elementary School Bands, MBM Dance Company, Stay Lit, Teatro Tariakuri dance, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, MBM Dance Company, HRDI, Mr. Dad’s Father’s Club, The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District and the Kindness Campaign.

For more information, call the 17th Ward Service Office at 773-783-3672.

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