Smith, Bizzell & Warner Funeral home congratulates Sandi Cogan

Smith, Bizell & Warner Funeral home recently extended congratulations to Sandi Cogan, Community Affairs Director for the funeral home. After 14 years of service, Cogan is embarking upon another chapter in an extensive community service career.

Cogan will join the Calumet Township as Administrative Assistant to Kimberly K. Robinson, Calumet Township Trustee.

Her numerous community and outreach initiatives enabled Smith, Bizzell & Warner to become well known as a connected, involved and committed corporate sponsor and community partner in the City of Gary and Northwest Indiana.

Cogan’s public service career includes experience as press secretary for former Mayor Scott L. King, spokesperson for the City of Gary, and as executive producer for WJPN, government access Channel 4.

She will continue to be a beloved family member of Smith, Bizzell & Warner Funeral Home.

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