The Crusader Newspaper Group

Sixth Grace Presbyterian Women’s Day

Elder Ruby D. Brown is the featured speaker

Sixth Grace Presbyterian Church, located at 600 E. 35th St., will hold its Women’s Day Worship Service on Sunday, March 24, beginning at 11:00 a.m. This is a combined service hosted with the Presbyterian Women. It is set to be a fun-filled day.

The speaker of the day will be Elder Ruby D. Brown of the Crerar Memorial Presbyterian Church. The theme is Spring Into Action, and fellowship will be held in the Register Hall following the service.

Elder Ruby D. Brown is a retired CPS educator, Elder and Commissioner for Crerar Church, and Presbytery of Chicago Presbytery Disaster Plan Committee Member. She is married to Attorney Willis E. Brown III, and is the mother of Willis E. Brown, entrepreneur, and grandmother to William Brown (7 months) and caregiver for her relatives.

Elder Brown is a native Chicagoan (since 5 years old), and earned her B.A. degree in Speech Communications from the University of Illinois and two masters in education from Loyola University and Chicago State University.

From Crerar to Presbyterian Women of Chicago and the Synod of Lincoln Trails, Elder Brown has served with her heart!

Through the years, Elder Brown’s first evidence of service was in the Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of Chicago in 1997, where she served on the Issues Committee.

She also served on the Crerar PW and on the Coordinating Team in the 90s, where she attended and worked on Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of Chicago’s gatherings for many years.

She was installed as the moderator at the Fall 2006 Gathering at the Second Presbyterian Church, after serving many years as vice moderator. In the Winter of 2012 at Sixth Grace Presbyterian Church, she arranged a meeting with the Horizons Bible Study author Margaret Aymer.

From 2007 to 2014, Elder Brown was the Presbyterian Women of Chicago’s moderator for 14 Spring and Fall business meetings including two at Crerar Church and Sixth Grace Presbyterian Church.

The following is the Presbyterian Women’s Purpose:

“Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible Study.

“To support the mission of the Church Worldwide.

“To work for Justice and Peace.

“To build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church USA.

“And witness to the Promise of God’s Kingdom.”

Elder Brown has hosted Global Exchange visitors and has had site visits for the Thank You Offering and Birthday Offering applicants, Synod Coordinating team meetings and eight church-wide gatherings.

In 2014, she was installed as a moderator for Synod of Lincoln Trails. She has attended five Presbyterian Gatherings of SOLT, moderated CT business and committee meetings, and attended SOLT general assembly meetings and committee meetings in Springfield and Indianapolis. She moderated her final PW SOLT meeting on June 24th in Peoria.

All told, Elder Brown has served as a true example of one who follows the purpose of Presbyterian Women.

Elder Barbara Baker is the moderator of the Presbyterian women; Elder Denise Cureton is the Clerk of Session and the Rev. Dr. David B. Thornton is the Pastor.

For more information, call (312) 225.5300.

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