Seniors enjoy free Jazz concert hosted by Oak Street Health

Screen Shot 2017 10 19 at 10.23.52 AMBilly Foster and his Quintet accompanied by vocalist Renee Miles-Foster (photo-graphed above) entertained 150 senior citizens with a live jazz concert hosted by Oak Street Health on October 13. It was held at the Marshall J. Gardner Center for the Arts, 540 S. Lake Street in Gary. This is one of several music, art, and health collaborations seniors have been invited to by Oak Street Health. The seniors age 65 and older also received light refreshments.

Screen Shot 2017 10 19 at 10.23.38 AMOak Street Health is tailored to the unique healthcare needs of people with Medicare and their doctors reflect the diversity of the patients. They also see fewer patients than most doctors, so they spend more time with them. This allows them to take the time to understand the individual circumstances and develop a comprehensive care plan for each patient. The clinics also feature unique programming like the jazz concert, fitness classes, computer lessons and movie nights.


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