Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. and immigrant rights groups to call for end to immoral border policy

In commemoration of World Refugee Day, Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. will hold a press conference 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 20, 2018, at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition headquarters, 930 E. 50th St., to call for an end to the senseless and inhumane treatment of refugees at the border who are seeking asylum only to have their children literally snatched from their arms and placed in warehouse cages.

Joining Rev. Jackson will be Pastor Ray Berryhill, of the Resurrected Life Church International, advocates for immigrants, Dr. Ewa Ewa, chairman of the African Political Action Committee and president of the Nigerian Forum, Olivier Kamanzi, president of African Global Chamber of Commerce and CEO, Africa Infrastructure investment Group, and others.

“We are calling for an end to this immoral treatment of people who are fleeing violence,” said Rev. Jackson. “President Trump’s immigration zero tolerance policy is not law. It is Trump’s rule which flies in the face of human rights and dignity to a people who have already suffered including losing some family members to gun violence and physical abuse. They did not risk their lives coming to our borders to be treated like common criminals.”

“Trump’s separating 2,000 children from their parents is unconscionable, and there should be a unified front to abort his policy that is shattering the lives of thousands of people seeking freedom and peace and leaving children traumatized perhaps for life,” said Rev. Jackson. “Trump is guilty of child abuse and of using these precious children as pawns to get his $25 billion in a lump sum for border wall is outrageous. For Trump to hold children hostage to get his wall or he will shutdown government is also an act of cowardice.”

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