Rev. Jackson to hold press conference in Pembroke, one of poorest townships in Illinois

Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. and the Rainbow PUSH Coalition staff are holding an 11:30 a.m. press conference Wednesday, December 4th, at the Village Hall (Church of the Cross), 13043 E. 2260 South Road, Pembroke Township, IL, to lay out an agenda for one of the poorest townships in Illinois.

Joining Rev. Jackson will be Hopkins Park Mayor Mark Hodges, Pembroke Township Supervisor Brenda Miles, U.S. Rep. Robin Kelley (D-2nd), Senator Patrick Joyce (D-40th), Rep. Lindsay Parkhurst (R-79th), Kankakee County States Attorney Jim Rowe, Cook County Comm. Dennis Deer (2nd) and representatives from the Rainbow PUSH Coalition.

“Pembroke is poor but not invisible,” said Rev. Jackson. “We must find the resources to upgrade and improve this community. No one in 2019 should be living without water or having to use outhouses. We must fight for a change.”

According to the U.S. Census, Pembroke’s population is 2,208 and the unemployment rate is 30.2 with a 33.9 percent poverty rate in the mostly 96.8 percent African American township.

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