By Wanda “Sistah Soldier” Petty, President & CEO, SHE VET, iNC.
Are you trying to put your finger on the pulse of your life, and it feels uncomfortable financially? It’s never too late to create a plan for future financial success. If you haven’t realized it, this year is almost over.
Have you interviwed for positions that are fitting for your skill level, or your abilities? If not, it’s time to assess what may be holding you back. Here is a list of things you may consider that can help you tighten up your game for the fourth quarter.
How many interviews have you had since January? What was the differentiation, and are you aware of the reason(s) you weren’t selected for the position? Perhaps, you can ask the interviewer for feedback? Is there a common thread in each of the interviews maybe you didn’t consider previously? How many of them went beyond the telephone screening? Would you consider them the “dream” position you were determined to find in 2019? Did any of them make you an offer of your “true” worth? Did you land the job?
If not, it’s time to create another plan. It may be harder than you planned but know you’re not out there on your own. Don’t quit because things didn’t work out the way you had hoped. There are a few things you can do to keep your stress level down and develop new skills if you need to.
- Check with your local library and see if your membership provides a free subscription to LinkedIn’s Lynda training? Most colleges and libraries offer complimentary access that will help you develop during times you can’t afford to pay for an education.
- The Department of Veterans Affairs just announced VET TECH, a new program for learning technology advancement and obtaining employment. All you need is one day of benefits remaining on your GI Bill that’s not expired.
- Consider getting involved with programs that help you improve your job-seeking skills and abilities to present better interviews.
If you’re a hard worker and feel like you desire to discover more within yourself and move forward, there’s still an opportunity for you to make up lost time. Put your fears aside and ask for help. The only way to not move forward is if you don’t speak up for what you need. Remember, you hold the power to command your future within your hands.
Sistah Soldier is a career strategist, and inspirational activist who helps veterans, women, and minorities identify and pursue their purpose. She’s the CEO, host, and producer of SHE VET iNSPIRES Television Show. Copyrights Reserved© Sistah Soldier 2019.