State Rep. La Shawn K. Ford, D-Chicago, will join Pastor Anthony W. Williams at the Illinois-Indiana border at noon Saturday in Calumet City to discuss efforts to halt the flow of illegal guns into Illinois.
“While we may have stricter rules in place for gun purchases in Chicago and the surrounding area, it’s not too difficult to cross the border into Indiana and buy guns where the rules are more relaxed,” Ford said. “As we continue to witness the tragic consequences of gun violence here in Illinois, we have to explore options to work in partnership with Indiana to stop the flow of guns into our state.”
Ford, who was appointed chair of the House Firearm Public Awareness Task Force by Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, is calling on lawmakers and the governor to work together to enact stricter laws on straw sales of firearms, as well as working with Indiana to end gun trafficking into Illinois. Illinois has been a leader in efforts to create gun dealer licensing, and Ford is encouraging the governor to call on neighboring states to join a compact to share information on gun movement.
For more information, contact [email protected].
Who: State Rep. La Shawn K. Ford, Chair of Illinois House Firearm Public Awareness Task Force; Pastor Anthony W. Williams
What: Press conference on efforts to encourage neighboring states to join Illinois efforts to stop illegal gun sales
When: Saturday, July 11; noon
Where: Intersection of Sibley Blvd. and State Line Rd., Calumet City