Rauner signs bill preventing expulsion of preschool, early childhood program students

By abc7chicago.com

It’s hard to imagine preschoolers being expelled from school, but Governor Bruce Rauner took steps today to make sure it never happens in Illinois.

Rauner signed new legislation Monday that prohibits the expulsion of students from preschool education and early childhood programs that are funded through the Illinois State Board of Education.

The bill, HB 2663, also requires the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), in consultation with the Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Education and the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), to develop rules to prevent licensed day care and similar institutions from expelling young children for exhibiting challenging behavior.

Read more at http://abc7chicago.com/education/rauner-signs-bill-preventing-expulsion-in-preschool-early-childhood-programs-/2307628/

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