Pritzker signs eight bills into law

Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed eight bills into law, Pritzker’s office announced Friday, April 22, including a measure that will enable school districts to be reimbursed for out-of-state placement of special needs students.

House Bill 4365 would allow school districts to provide funding for a student’s placement if their Individual Education Program (IEP) determines their current district is unfit to meet the student’s needs.

The program would be funded by school districts, with funds from the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act grant. The IDEA grant focuses on improving the education of children with disabilities.

The legislation was filed by state Rep. Daniel Didech, D-Buffalo Grove. He said during a hearing that his legislation’s intent is to make sure every student gets the education they deserve.

“This is to some degree an urgent issue that we are trying to address to make sure that these kids have an opportunity to learn and thrive the best that they can,” Didech said.

Jones said that sending a student out of state to a non-Illinois State Board of Education approved facility would be a last-ditch effort in the most extreme cases.

The governor also took action on the follow:

Bill Number: HB 4316

Description: Outlines the protocol for when a school district employee has been engaged in sexual misconduct with a student who is under 18

Action: Signed

Effective: July 1, 2023

Bill Number: HB 4433

Description: Amends the Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights Act and clarifies sections for the purpose of aligning with federal regulation.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 4604

Description: Amends the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) to allow post-inspection notices and communications to recipients of citations to be sent via email.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2023. Changes to the Equal Pay Act of 2003 are effective immediately.

Bill Number: HB 4605

Description: Amends the Illinois Human Rights Act to ensure that complainants who file charges of housing discrimination under Article 3 have the right to a jury trial under State law

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 4677

Description: Amends the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Act, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District’s Retirement Fund Act, and the Illinois Property Tax Code to allow the MWRD’s Board of Commissioners the authority to consider approving issuance of Pension Obligation Bonds.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 4690

Description: Amends the School Code with respect to the removal or dismissal of teachers and principals by removing a provision that pauses hearings during a time of disaster due to a public health emergency.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 5472

Description: Increases the allowable classroom hours a teacher can teach before their pension benefits would be suspended

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

This article originally appeared on The Center Square.

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