As the state’s gradual phaseout of the pandemic eviction moratorium continues, today Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) announced the administration has distributed more than $185 million in emergency rental assistance to 22,200 Illinoisans through the Illinois Rental Payment Program (ILRPP).
In addition, today IHDA announced it has completed the review of all 70,000 applications received during the first application round in June, with an additional 25,000 applications currently in the pipeline to review from the second round. Landlords with in-progress applications already initiated by their tenants are encouraged to complete their portion of the application before the deadline on Sunday, August 15.
“It is critically important to keep families across the state in stable housing for both the health of our communities and to help our state rebuild from the pandemic,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “That’s why my administration continues to do everything we can to provide much-needed support for Illinois residents who have been hit hardest by the pandemic. I’m proud that last year, Illinois was the best in the nation at getting relief to renters and homeowners. And as the eviction moratorium phases out, we remain committed to helping families get and keep the affordable housing they deserve.”
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Pritzker announced a statewide eviction moratorium for tenants while launching emergency assistance programs that included extensive relief for renters, landlords, and homeowners. These efforts helped stave off a wave of evictions and foreclosures that would have led to unprecedented housing instability, increasing the risk of spreading COVID-19. From July to December 2020, IHDA provided $230.6 million in emergency rental assistance to 46,129 households and $98.5 million in emergency mortgage payment assistance to 10,071 households.
Building on existing efforts to ensure the state’s most vulnerable residents keep a roof over their heads, Governor Pritzker announced a new round of rental assistance in May 2021 to deliver more than $500 million to 63,000 households. On July 29, the Governor signed landmark legislation that created new programs and incentives to support affordable housing throughout the state, including a new $75 million program to finance affordable rental housing in areas impacted by the pandemic.
“IHDA is proud to have reached this benchmark of helping over 22,000 Illinois renters with more than $185 million in emergency rental assistance, but we know there is more work to do,” said IHDA Executive Director Kristin Faust.“There are hundreds of millions of dollars still available, and our staff is reviewing applications as quickly as possible to make sure this funding reaches those in need.”
To date, IHDA has received nearly 95,500 completed ILRPP applications from renters and landlords in 100 of Illinois’ 102 counties. IHDA has approved 22,250 applications and paid out more than $185 million to renters experiencing hardships due to the pandemic. Approximately 61% of the approved applications to date have assisted households who have been unemployed for more than 90 days, and 63% of approvals have assisted extremely low-income households. The program has provided an average of $8,814 per household, covering up to 12 months of past-due rent and up to three months of future rent. According to data from the U.S. Treasury, Illinois was the second highest provider of rental assistance among all grantees in June.
IHDA continues to review applications as quickly as possible and is prioritizing requests from tenants who are unemployed and those with extremely low household incomes. IHDA is also working with tenants who have submitted incomplete applications to help them assemble the missing documentation necessary to approve funding.
In addition, the Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) has programs available to households in need and has awarded over $187 million in assistance to Illinois residents. Assistance has ranged from direct aid for immigrant communities, legal and court-based assistance and funding for service providers and non-profits. To see if you are eligible for any of these programs, please visit
“We are pleased that the assistance provides a variety of crucial resources and services to vulnerable Illinoisans experiencing or at risk of homelessness and that they will continue to build a brighter future for all across the state, said Grace B. Hou, Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services. “We understand that the pandemic has placed a very serious financial burden on many, and together with IHDA, we are committed to providing the necessary resources to help give qualifying Illinois families an avenue for temporary relief on essential items like rent and utility payments when it truly counts the most.”
On July 23, the Governor issued an Executive Order that allows eviction filings against covered persons to begin on Sunday, August 1. The current prohibition on enforcement of eviction orders entered against covered persons will remain in place until Tuesday, August 31. Enforcement of eviction orders entered against covered persons will be allowed September 1 and beyond.
The Illinois Supreme Court has issued an order temporarily to stay all trial and judgments in residential eviction proceedings involving covered persons, with some exceptions. The order takes effect on August 1 and expires on September 1, 2021.
Additional rounds of rental assistance, as well as the Illinois Homeowner Assistance Fund (ILHAF) that will provide mortgage assistance, will be announced in the coming months. For updates to these programs, visit: