2016 Indiana General Assembly Legislative Directory
Handbook Or Downloadable App Available Now And Updated Beginning Of Jan.
The Indiana Chamber’s 2016 Legislative Directory allows Hoo-siers interested in public policy to stay connected with their state legislators during the upcoming General Assembly session. The publication is available as an app, for Android and iPhone users, and the traditional booklet format.
The Legislative Directory includes bios, contact information, committee assignments and social media profiles for House and Senate members. Color headshots, office locations, seating charts and leadership lists are also provided.
The Legislative Directory app, developed by Indiana-based Blue-bridge, has several additional ben-efits – most notably it will have real-time updates throughout the session. It also will be current and ready for use on the first day of the General Assembly in January – a week or two before the handbook is scheduled to ship.
The app is available for purchase at www.indianachamber-.com/ldapp (not via app stores). Cost starts at $8.99 per download; bulk discounts are available. The handbook can be preordered at www.indianacham- ber.com/ld; bulk discounts are also offered, with the price starting at $9.99 per copy.