It has happened again. A Black woman, Sonya Massey, called the police because she thought there was an intruder in her home. According to an online article entitled “Officer shot and killed a Black woman who had called police for help, bodycam footage shows” by Nick Squires, the officers (Sean Grayson and a partner) searched the premises both inside and outside of the home. After declaring that they had not found any evidence of “intruders” the officers requested that Sonya Massey produce some identification.  While she was complying, Officer Grayson saw a pot of boiling water on the stove and suggested that she (Massey) remove it saying, “We don’t need a fire while we’re here.” She replies: “Away from the hot steaming water? Oh, I’ll repent (rebuke) you in the name of Jesus.” At this point Grayson pulled out his gun while moving toward her and said “You better f—ing not, I swear to God, I’ll f—ing shoot you right in your f—ing face.” Ms. Massey replies: “I’m sorry.” After that, Grayson proceeded to shoot her in the face!

The article continues, “As the woman lies on the floor dying, Mr. Grayson can be heard saying: ‘That’s a headshot. She’s done.’ His partner, who has not been named, tries to administer help and says: “She’s still gasping.”

 This story had an unhappy ending for Ms. Massey, who succumbed to her wounds. She was a resident of Springfield, IL, and allegedly suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, according to relatives). Officer Grayson was fired and has been charged with murder. It is also an unhappy ending for the numerous people, especially Black people, who have lost their lives at the hands of overzealous cops! This is why we need to pause and think about the issue of police misconduct in a “democracy.”

`What is a “democracy” we might ask?” One definition reads 1.a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

Actually, the United States is both a democracy AND a republic. Democracies and republics are both forms of government in which supreme power resides in the citizens. The word republic refers specifically to a government in which those citizens elect representatives who govern according to the law. The word democracy can refer to this same kind of representational government, or it can refer instead to what is also called a direct democracy, in which the citizens themselves participate in the act of governing directly.

As citizens, we have an opportunity to give input into the system through VOTING, which is a major cornerstone of our democracy. It is through voting for our choices that we can make our voices heard. (Apparently, we haven’t been loud enough to deter policemen from killing Black people). In order to ensure that our voices ARE heard, we must make certain that our right to vote remains intact!

In this regard, Donald Trump said something very disturbing about voting. In a speech directed at Christians he said, “I don’t care how, but you have to get out and vote.” “Christians, get out and vote just this time.” “You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed.” 

Just what does Trump mean by these statements? Is he literally hinting that there would be no more voting if he wins the election? We should pay attention to these statements that seem to be an attempt to sound a death knell for our way of life in America. If Trump gets elected, we will be faced with the implementation of an autocracy. 

With this said, we need to protect our system at all costs; it is not perfect, but it beats the alternative. Think on this: if we lose our democracy, a pathway to victory over police misconduct like the Sean Grayson-Sonya Massey debacle will disappear like smoke – we won’t have the right to demonstrate. We can’t let that happen! Aluta Continua.

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