Peoples Gas works with federal and state officials to pay off heating bills for customers


Peoples Gas announced in late May 2022 that its customers who applied and qualified for heating assistance over the winter and spring will have all remaining past-due balances cleared and they will not be subject to disconnection. This marks the second straight heating season Peoples Gas customers with low incomes have had their balances taken care of.

Funding for this important effort comes from a significant increase in federal assistance — that Peoples Gas helped secure — and increased state aid. In total, Peoples Gas customers have now received $46 million in funding for heating assistance over the past year. The customers’ past due balances will be cleared before the end of June.

“When a worldwide spike in natural gas prices drove up heating bills across Illinois and the country, we made sure customers having a tough time paying bills had help,” said Charles Matthews, president and CEO — Peoples Gas. “We remain committed to helping all our customers now and going forward and ensuring they have the safe and reliable energy they depend on.”

In addition to financial assistance, Peoples Gas works closely with customers on flexible payment plans and energy efficiency programs.

Any customer having trouble paying their bills is urged to contact Peoples Gas so they can access all help available to them. Specific information is available on the Peoples Gas mobile app, at, and by calling 866-556-6001.

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