Oprah Winfrey joins Kraft Heinz in new supermarket food venture

By Zlati Meyer, USA TODAY

“It all started with the idea for the cauliflower mashed potatoes — the twist is really what sparked this whole idea,” Winfrey said. “I was sitting at my table in my own home and had whipped up some cauliflower, trying to make myself think I was eating mashed potatoes, but it was not working. So I thought, ‘What if I used a portion of the mashed potatoes and added the cauliflower? Then, I would have a substantive mashed potato-cauli dish.'”

Refrigerated foods add another dimension to Winfrey’s empire that spans everything from entertainment and O, The Oprah Magazine, to her involvement as an investor and pitchwoman for Weight Watchers. Winfrey became a major stakeholder in Weight Watchers in October 2015 and has served as a company booster. On Thursday, the company reported second-quarter profits of $45.2 million and 67 cents in earnings per share — almost 50% higher than what it’d been a year ago.

Read more at https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2017/08/09/oprah-winfrey-joins-kraft-heinz-new-supermarket-food-venture/549308001/

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