Nonviolence Chicago to hold Basketball Tournament May 25

2nd Annual Event Aims to Head Summer Violence Off At The Pass This Memorial Day Weekend

On Saturday, May 25th from 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm at 3937 West Wilcox Street, Chicago, IL, a basketball tournament and community picnic will be held to promote peace and Nonviolence in the community. The Institute for Nonviolence Chicago will bring teams together from across the West Side of Chicago to enjoy a peaceful day of competitive basketball and community building.

In addition to a 5-on-5 basketball tournament, Nonviolence Chicago will have games and bouncy houses for children, food for the community, music and dancing, giveaways, and a wide range of social service and other resources that can benefit individuals, families and communities.

Memorial Day weekend for many Chicagoans is a time to celebrate the start of summer.  But for far too many Chicagoans living on the West Side, Memorial Day represents a start to the violence that comes with warmer weather.

Providing a safe, positive, enjoyable afternoon of peace and community building across neighborhoods will provide a safe, peaceful, hopeful start to summer. The neighborhoods participating each have significant violence prevention and intervention efforts underway to reduce shootings and homicides while providing critical resources and opportunities for people actively involved and impacted by violence.

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