Nominate a Youth Worker of the Year Award

The Indiana Youth Institute is searching for youth-serving professionals who have made an extraordinary impact on Indiana’s youth. IYI has opened nominations for this year’s D. Susan Wisely Youth Worker of the Year Award.

The award honors one exceptional youth worker each year by providing a $2,500 cash prize to be used toward the winner’s professional development, and free registration and travel accommodations for two to IYI’s 2017 Because KIDS COUNT Conference on November 28 and 29 in Indianapolis.

This award bears the name D. Susan Wisely, the retired director of evaluation at Lilly Endowment Inc. who oversaw the development of numerous youth service-related programs aimed at improving the quality of life for Hoosier children.

With more than 10,000 youth workers in Indiana, choosing just one will pose a challenge, said Tami Silverman, CEO of the Indiana Youth Institute. “Youth workers are dedicated individuals who give of themselves to help shape the lives of the young people with whom they work,” Silverman said. “The award not only will recognize the recipient’s selfless commitment; it also will provide a way for that person to gain more knowledge or skills and make an even greater impact on Indiana’s youth.”

The application for this award may be a self-nomination or initiated by someone other than the nominee. However, both parties must submit all forms together. Nominees must work directly with children, demonstrate servant leadership, and have at least five years in service of Indiana youth. They also must complete a form explaining the professional development they will seek with the monetary award.

Award applications are due on August 14 and are available online at The winner will be notified on October 2 and will be recognized at the 2017 Because KIDS COUNT Conference in November.

Funding for the award comes from the D. Susan Wisely Leadership Legacy Fund, a fund of the Central Indiana Community Foundation. Those wishing to contribute to the fund may do so online at, by mail or in person at 614 North Alabama Street, Suite 119, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

The Indiana Youth Institute promotes the healthy development of Indiana children and youth by serving the people, institutions and communities that impact their well-being.


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