The Crusader Newspaper Group

New Yerusalem #158 announces celebration

September 30, 2017 marks the date of the Celebration of Brotherhood for the men of New Yerusalem #158 of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Illinois. Bro. Dwayne A. Smith is the Grand Master.

More than 18 months ago, 27 men became members of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Illinois (MWPHGL) leaving their mark in history, being touted as one of the largest whole-lodge masonic healings in Illinois Prince Hall history. After working and waiting for the dispensation to be lifted, New Yerusalem #158 was officially chartered August 2, 2017 at the Annual Unification Communication of the MWPHGL of Illinois. While basking in the ambiance of being chartered, another historical event would occur.  New Yerusalem #158 became the first lodge in Illinois Prince Hall history to receive the Lodge of the Year Award as a UD (under Dispensation) and the prestigious Beehive Award for the untiring efforts put forth in charity and philanthropy.

It is, therefore, fitting for the brothers of New Yerusalem #158 to celebrate with those who have shown support these past few years. You are all invited to witness the Constitution and Inauguration ceremony on Saturday, September 30, 2017 at the Doubletree Hotel in Alsip, IL, 6:00 p.m. Ticket donation is $50. For more information contact Bro. Shannon Callahan at 773.418.1000 or Bro Antoine Jones at 847.450.3332.


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