Mrvan Secures Seat on House Appropriations Committee

Rep. Frank Mrvan

Congressman Frank J. Mrvan announced that the House Democratic Caucus has elected him to serve on the House Appropriations Committee.

Congressman Mrvan stated, “I thank Leader Jeffries and all of my colleagues in the House Democratic Caucus for electing me to the House Appropriations Committee so that I can advocate for Northwest Indiana and our nation through the essential work of this Committee.  I have sought this position since my first day in the U.S. House of Representatives, and I look forward to ensuring that the federal government has the necessary resources, oversight, and direction to promote our national security, grow our economy, and create more work and wealth for everyone.”

Recently, Congressman Mrvan detailed his interest to serve on this Committee in a letter to Democratic Leader Jeffries, which states that the “members of organized labor and working families understand that federal funds and programs are what keep our economy growing and creating new good-paying job opportunities, and that I would tirelessly strive to ensure that the message and legislation of the House Appropriations Committee continues to fulfill this need.”

The letter also highlights that Congressman Pete Visclosky first served on this Committee starting in 1991 and retired as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Defense in 2020, and that Congressman Adam Benjamin, Jr., served Indiana’s First Congressional District on this Committee from 1977 to 1982, including as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Transportation.

The full text of the letter is below:

“I write today to submit in writing my request to serve on the House Appropriations Committee in the 119th Congress.  

“As a public servant, I know that the House Appropriations Committee is the heart of improving government services and making a positive difference in the lives of individuals and families in communities in Northwest Indiana and across our nation and the world.  This is the Committee that I want to further dedicate my time, thoughts, and passions on because I want to be a part of the work that advances policies and clearly defines our nation’s values and priorities through the federal funding process.

“Additionally, through my experience as a Frontline Member of Congress, I have first-hand knowledge of how the work of this Committee resonates in a competitive district.  The members of organized labor and working families understand that federal funds and programs are what keep our economy growing and creating new good-paying job opportunities, and I would tirelessly strive to ensure that the message and legislation of the House Appropriations Committee continues to fulfill this need.

“Indiana’s First Congressional District is well familiar with the value of representation on the House Appropriations Committee, as my predecessor and mentor, Congressman Pete Visclosky, first served on the Committee starting in 1991 and retired as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Defense in 2020.  Additionally, his predecessor and mentor, Congressman Adam Benjamin, Jr., served on the Committee from 1977 to 1982, including as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Transportation.

“Throughout my first two terms in the U.S. House, I have worked to utilize the impact of the House Appropriations Committee to effectively communicate and deliver resources to the First District.  I am grateful for the opportunity to have been able to successfully advocate for Community Project Funding requests, which included ten projects in Fiscal Year (FY) 22, 15 projects in FY 23, 14 projects in FY 24, and 15 projects submitted in FY 25.  I also was involved in the programmatic request process, including the submission of 119 programmatic and language requests in FY 22, 145 requests in FY 23 and FY 24, and 173 requests in FY 25.  Additionally, I have co-led or led letters to Subcommittees for these types of requests in my capacity as Vice Chairman of the Congressional Steel Caucus on 12 different occasions.  

“Thank you for your serious consideration of this request, and as always, I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss how my diverse background, legislative experiences, and perspectives from the First Congressional District of Indiana can be of service to the invaluable work of the House Appropriations Committee.”

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