Mrvan announces retirement from Indiana State Senate

After 43 years of service in the State Legislature, State Senator Frank Mrvan (D-Hammond) has officially announced his retirement. Marvan, who represents Indiana Senate District 1 which includes portions of Lake County. District 1 communities include Hammond, Munster, Highland, Dyer, Schererville and Griffith as well as two precincts in Crown Point, released the following statement:

“Today I notified Indiana State Senate Majority Leader Rodric Bray that I am retiring effective January 11, 2022. This journey into public service would not have been possible without the support of my lovely wife Jean and countless others over the years who have allowed me to be the most effective leader I could be for the constituents of Northwest Indiana.

“No one could have imagined after my first successful campaign to serve as the City Councilman for the Sixth District of the City of Hammond in 1972 that the citizens would support me to continue a career in public service for five decades.

“Holding the public trust in elected office is an incredible honor and responsibility. Throughout my career, I have always placed a value on being able to listen to the concerns of constituents and be their voice in our state’s Capitol.

“For example, it was always my honor to meet with members of Indiana’s veteran community, and I worked to ensure that all Indiana veterans received the respect and recognition they deserve. I also did my utmost to spend time with public safety workers and first responders in order to best support them for the noble services that they provide our communities every day.

“Through my Committee work, I did everything possible to support the members of organized labor, who built not just the foundation of our economic infrastructure, but who have been instrumental to promoting the strength of our manufacturing base, health care industry and public education classrooms. Their contributions and the dignity of all of these workers must never cease to be recognized.

“While there have been many legislative successes and recognition over the years, none of this would have been possible without the incredible legislative staff, Indiana General Assembly colleagues, governors and the engaged voters from Senate District 1. I am most proud of the personal relationships and friendships that have been made throughout my service, and will remain forever grateful to all the constituents for this wonderful privilege.

“As our region, state, and nation continue to face unprecedented challenges in relation to our health, education and economy, I will continue to do all I can to be engaged in these issues, and supporting the incredible work of our Northwest Indiana non-profits and charitable organizations that make a difference for so many individuals and families.

“In closing, I again thank my lovely wife Jean and I look forward to spending more time with all of my supportive family members, children and grandchildren in retirement.”



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