By Effie Rolfe, Chicago Crusader
The Most Dependable hand is at the end of your own wrist—and sometimes it will let you down. Too often we put our trust in people, jobs, careers, as well as various other things. However, in this life you will eventually find that the most dependable hand in at the end of your own wrist and sometimes, it will let you down. You cannot depend on anyone but yourself and primarily God. The scripture clearly reminds us to “Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there.” (Psalm 146:3)
God is your source. He is your heavenly WiFi—the source from which all of your blessings flow. When you lack connection to His power source—you are limited.
I recall attending service at the historic Fellowship Baptist Church for the Rev. Dr. Clay Evans Scholarship Fund. Each year the organization raises thousands of dollars to distribute to college students across the country. During the service, Rev. Evans gave words of wisdom to the recipients by reminding them to trust in the Lord. He jokingly said, “You can’t trust in your legs, because they might give out on you. This morning I started to brush my teeth and they all fell out on the right side of my mouth.” In other words, do not ever put your confidence in this body or in people during this life. If so, failures will come and disappointments are inevitable.
Seasons change, the economy change and people change. The only thing constant is change. One of my favorite songs “Everything Must Change” reminds us that nothing stays the same. Too often, we trust in things that are transitional. Therefore we must remind ourselves that change will come and it will come in many different forms, shapes and sizes. Who would have thought that change would bring us to where we are right now? Change can build and change can destroy what has been built.
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV)
I hope that the message Rev. Clay Evans shared echoes change. Nothing or no one in this life can give you a 100 percent guarantee. Remember you can’t even trust your own hand. I can recall countless times when I changed my mind within a split second of being certain that I was going to do the very opposite of what I declared moments earlier. The bottom line—if you change, others are bound to do the same…it’s called life.
“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not to your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5) Jesus never fails. I’m reminded of a hymn that Rev. Evans’ sister, Dr. Lou Della Evans Reid and the Traditional Choir sang. “My Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand; all other ground is sinking sand.” When you trust in your own strength, failure is sure to come quickly and often. God knows what’s best regarding everything concerning your life. Your future is God’s history. He knows what is best. As you trust Him with your life, you will find that there is no life without Christ.
It’s your choice—who do you trust…?
© Effie Rolfe is an Author of “Supersize Your Thinking,” Media Personality and Motivational Speaker. You can contact her on Listen to her show daily on (2015 Stellar Award Winner for Best Internet Radio Station)