By Effie Rolfe
Honoring the Sanctity of Life. Recently, I heard a minister say that ‘we have gotten to where we treat humans like animals and animals like humans.’ My thoughts exactly! I don’t believe he could have ever articulated this any better. It’s a fact that some people treat their pets much better than another human being. I recall hearing a report where a man told his neighbor, ‘if you mess with my dog I will shoot you.’ What has happened to us that we have allowed an animal to ever take priority over human life? Ah, but this is nothing new especially in America where slaves were once considered less than three-fifths human or did that mindset ever disappear. While, Jeremiah 32:27 clearly states, “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh…” and yes, we should honor that. But we must remember that God’s prized creation is man. This is the only time God used his hands to form man from the dust in the image and likeness of an eternal, sovereign, loving and amazing God. “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27).”
Also, remember a few months ago the public outrage of zoo officials for killing Harambe, the gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo. This kid could have easily died after falling 15 feet. To make matters worse, this 450-pound silver back gorilla grabbed the child violently while dragging him through the water and all kinds of things to terrify this child. Zoo officials acted quickly in decision making to take a rifle and shoot the animal as the child’s life was in danger. They later made a statement expressing sympathy for losing one of their beloved animals but because the child’s life was risk, they felt it was best. Social media was flooded with thousands of angry comments, as well as protestors at the zoo. Instead of being grateful the child’s life was saved, which by the way was African American, these same protestors accused the mother of being negligent and blamed zoo officials for killing Harambe. Thankfully, zoo officials responded that if the decision had to be made again, the same response would be made especially when a 3-year-old helpless child’s life is in danger.
Again, this topic comes back to mind because it seems like some people have somehow reverted into a cruel savage mentality. I saw a video of a dog pulling up the covers over a little baby to keep him warm. What’s happening to us? Could the animals have more intellect than some people? To observe some of these creatures in action can be mind-boggling. Even they seem to have more of a conscience when it comes to caring for humans than some human beings.
The bottom line is—human lives have value. No human life is better than anyone else. Unfortunately, this year has been filled with a deluge of Black on Black crime, police on Black crime causing civil unrest and racial tensions nationwide. In Chicago, reports indicate over 450 murders and over 2,750 people shot and killed. By the way, these victims are someone’s brother, sister, mother, father, uncle, aunt, cousin, neighbor, church member and friend. The bible is right—somebody’s wrong. There seems to be a growing population that refuses to acknowledge God as Supreme and ultimately devalue the sanctity of human life. Hebrews 2:7 states ‘You made them a little lower than the angels; you crowned them with glory and honor (Hebrews 2:7).’ Yet people would rather kill someone over a dog and then complain about an ape put to death even at the risk of a child being brutally killed. When you show respect for human life you also show honor and respect for the Creator of all life. We must always remember that human life has value and should be valued by all human beings.
Do you honor the sanctity of life?
Effie Rolfe is an Author of “Supersize Your Thinking,” Media Personality and Motivational Speaker. You can contact her at or [email protected] Listen to her show daily on (2015 Stellar Award Winner for Best Internet Radio Station