A Moment to Super Size Your Thinking

By Effie Rolfe, Chicago Crusader

Speak it into the Atmosphere—your words have so much power. Life and death is in the power of your tongue (Proverbs 18:21). The sooner we realize that life doesn’t just happen, but is a direct result of what you say and believe the sooner we can get about living on purpose and receiving our heart’s desires. Also, don’t forget that repetition is the mother of learning—the more you hear—the more it gets into your spirit and becomes a part of your nature. If you hear a lie often enough you will begin to believe it. Scripture reminds us that “…faith comes by hearing…” what ever you hear—positive or negative is what you will begin

to believe and ultimately manifest into your world (Romans 10:17). That’s why it’s crucial you not only monitor what enters into your ear and eye gate—meaning what you hear (radio, negative conversations, gossip) and what you see (TV shows, scary graphic movies, pornography), but also, you must surround yourself with people that build you up and are positive role models. You need to be with folk who celebrate you and not just tolerate you. As you embrace these principles and truths regarding your word power or the power of your word, there will be a marked change in your life.

God spoke the heaven and earth into existence (Genesis 1:1). He took nothing and made everything that is, was and will be—through the power of His word. Remember, since we are His children, we have God’s spiritual DNA. In John 14:12, Jesus states “Whosoever believes in me…shall do even greater works than these…” If you have the power of his Holy Spirit within you—it’s comparable to dunamis or dynamite power and when you speak words of life with purpose—things have got to change for the better.

Immediately, begin your day by saying aloud what you truly desire with no limits. Forget about the limitations. Just speak aloud what your heart desires. Renowned author and life coach, Bob Proctor, believes that as you say what you want, you should also begin each sentence by saying, “I am grateful that I am….” You fill in the blanks. Again, say it each day and often throughout the day. Then take it another step and imagine how it would feel once you are your perfect dress size, or your bank account has 5 million dollars in it or you are able to vacation several times a year in beautiful countries and resorts. As you speak what you desire as though you already have what you are speaking with emotion and the belief that you have it, your faith will cause that to somehow miraculously happen. Again, speak the names of your loved one, your potential employers, the exact dollar amount of the salary or whatever you desire to happen into the atmosphere. Remember, it must be with purpose. Thus, it cannot be a desire for someone’s husband or wife, or wishing for somebody’s job—You must understand that God has more than enough to go around without taking something from someone else. Our heavenly father is the source of everything and God is inexhaustible. Ephesians 3:20 states, “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” By the way, unless you are thinking about something that seems impossible, chances are you are thinking too small. In other words, trust God for your own blessings—He has more than you could ever imagine and He really wants to blow your mind.

When you speak, your words have power. When you truly believe what you say, put your faith to work and move toward what you want, watch God honor those words and eventually it will come to past.

What are you speaking into the atmosphere…?

© Effie Rolfe is an Author of “Supersize Your Thinking,” Media Personality and Motivational Speaker. You can contact her on twitter.com/effiedrolfe Listen to her show daily on urbanpraiseradio.org (2015 Stellar Award Winner for Best Internet Radio Station).

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