A Moment to Super Size Your Thinking

By Effie Rolfe

Looking for a Miracle is Good—Being a Miracle is Best.

Be the Miracle that you desire. I believe that you can be such a blessing in someone’s life. I further believe you may just be the answer to someone’s prayer. The Clark Sisters recorded “Expect Your Miracle!” The lyrics were ‘I’m looking for a miracle, I expect the impossible, I feel the intangible, I see the invisible…just believe and receive it God can perform it today.” How wonderful it would be to allow God to use you to be the miracle in someone’s life. It’s somewhat similar to the mindset of not just praying for your needs, but rather be the response or answer to that need. What a beautiful world this would be when our lives becomes love in manifestation. Mother Teresa reminds us to ‘Become the change that we desired.’ Jesus said to do unto others, as we would have them do unto us (Matthew 7:12). Therefore pray for others as fervently as you pray for yourself or would want others praying for you.

This means saying YES Lord. I hear you. Although, uncomfortable or inconvenient—will you say yes? Recently, I received a video about a story of a young man that attended a bible study and learned about hearing God’s voice. After committing his life to the Lord he prayed for obedience to the Living Word. Feeling naïve’ because he really didn’t know how God would sound or what it meant to hear God’s voice, he cried, “Lord Help me!” As he was driving home, there was a strong urge to get a gallon of milk. He thought about it and said ok…maybe I should stop by the store to purchase the milk. Then instead of going his regular route, he hesitantly took an alternate route on the risky part of town. As he kept driving, he kept hearing “turn down 7th street.” Reluctantly he stopped, purchased the milk and drove down 7th street, just in case he was hearing the voice of God. At the next exit as he turned into the driveway of a particular home, the questions kicked in…‘where am I? Where is this neighborhood? Everyone seems to be asleep.’ As if someone was guiding his thoughts, Jack decided to take the milk to that house. He opened the door, but closed it and thought—ok God, I am going to look crazy, the lights are out and I don’t know these people. Well, if I’m gonna’ look crazy, I’d rather be safe than sorry, if it means being obedient to God. Then he knocked on the door. He heard someone walking and saying ‘who is it?’ A man opened the door and Jack said, hi, I brought you some milk. The man took the milk and went inside the house. Immediately someone walked in the kitchen and prepared it for the baby. The man then rushed back to the door and said thank you! We were having bill problems and didn’t have money to buy milk for our baby. I was just praying that God would provide a way to get some milk. Jack began to cry as he thought, God, you used me to be a blessing to someone that I didn’t even know.

What is God asking you to do that may seem strange? Is he asking you to render service or an act of kindness to a total stranger? Does it seem crazy or weird? Let’s pray and practice hearing God. His instructions to you may be the answer that someone is waiting for and needs. Also, as we approach the holiday season, instead of asking for a blessing, gift or miracle—ask God to be the blessing, gift or miracle to someone’s prayer.

Will you be someone’s miracle today…?

© Effie Rolfe is an Author of “Supersize Your Thinking,” Media Personality and Motivational Speaker. You can contact her on twitter.com/-effiedrolfe. Listen to her show daily on urbanpraiseradio.org (2015 Stellar Award Winner for Best Internet Radio Station)



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