A Moment to Super Size Your Thinking

By Effie Rolfe

Your reputation does not determine your destination. Why, because you are the sum total of your experiences. There are few people who would not welcome the chance to take a chunk of their life and erase certain chapters into oblivion. The truth is you can never escape your past—it’s like your shadow because it’s always there and you can’t outrun it. Embrace it. What you are experiencing right now is a result of your past thoughts. Your present situation is a result of your past thoughts—even if it was one second ago—it’s still your past. Perhaps what you consider a mistake is what makes you unique. Actually, those missteps are minor in the grand scheme of things but major as they are marks of greatness for your life. Just for the record, God only uses people who make mistakes—who have an imperfect past. No one on this earth is perfect—no one is exempt! Everyone encounters dark chapters in their lives whether voluntarily through ignorance or as a victim of circumstance of bad choices.

We all are ex- something but if we allow God—He can take your misery and give you a mission. Test will become a testimony and grief can be replaced with grace. Isaiah 61:3 states, “…He will give you a crown of beauty for your ashes” and Psalm 30:11, “You have turned my mourning into dancing…” Plain and simple we have all been tore up from the floor up—straight up jacked up. But remember God specializes in things impossible—there is nothing too hard for God including forgiving your past. Let’s revisit some of the most noted bible characters that God used mightily. These men of God had messed up tainted lives. Paul was a serial killer, David was a murderer and adulterer, Moses was a fugitive and Peter lied and denied Jesus Christ. In other words—all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). I believe God allows us to mess up so we don’t boast in our own abilities and works. Trials and challenges of life often makes us stronger, better, wiser, thankful and more compassionate people.

Your past should not be your autobiography, but rather a reference point. Since, you can’t drive forward looking through the rearview mirror, resist allowing your past to rob you of your future. It is an active part of who you are—God wants to use All of you. He is looking for ordinary people available for service that will give Him glory. We should be willing vessels to allow His works to shine bright like a diamond in the sky. As we embrace the 4th quarter of 2016 in preparation of 2017, don’t look back—you’re not going that way. Instead look forward to a better—bigger and brighter future that is more than you could ever imagine as you make your life print in this world.

What’s in your future…?

Effie Rolfe is an Author of “Supersize Your Thinking,” Media Personality and Motivational Speaker. You can contact her effierolfe.com or on twitter.com/effiedrolfe Listen to her show daily on urbanpraiseradio.org (2015 Stellar Award Winner for Best Internet Radio Station)



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