By Robert L. Coleman

When Eric Parish of MGT/Gary Recovery LLC (MGT) said that Chromebooks were chosen for Gary’s children because they had a lower street value than iPads, I was outraged. MGT’s consideration of “street value” to decide what educational equipment to purchase for students of the Gary Community School Corporation, makes MGT unfit to lead our school system. As a father, West Side Leadership Academy PTSA President and 3rd District Representative on the G.C.S.C. Advisory Board, I demand an apology and the removal of MGT.

We as Gary parents want the best for our children. MGT is not what is best for Gary’s children. Under MGT, GCSC has had three emergency managers, two chief academic officers and will have its third chief financial officer. This for-profit company has refused to let the advisory board and the community fill the superintendent vacancy. MGT has brought instability and academic chaos to our school system.

When I asked Dr. Paige McNulty, the third Emergency Manager, about filling the superintendent’s vacancy at an advisory board meeting, she incorrectly stated that she was the superintendent. This statement was an insult to our community. Muncie, a community which is predominately White, was allowed to keep a governing body and a superintendent even under state takeover and even with a state appointed emergency manager. Gary, a community which is predominately African American, was not allowed these same privileges.

The Gary community had its local school board stripped of its governing authority and its superintendent’s vacancy purposely left unfilled.

Under MGT’s complete control, all GCSC elementary schools received an F, the graduation rate at WSLA plummeted from 87.3 percent to 58.5 percent and West Side’s dropout rate increased from zero to 49 students. MGT destroyed all the academic gains GCSC made prior to takeover. Gary’s children deserve better. The contract with MGT should not be renewed.

Please contact the Distressed Unit Appeals Board at [email protected], or at (317) 234-2273. Let DUAB know that MGT must go!!! We demand the restoration of local control over academics and the appointment of our own superintendent by the advisory board and the community.

For more information contact:

Robert L. Coleman, President – West Side Leadership Academy P.T.S.A.

3rd District Advisory Board Representative – Gary Community School Corporation

P.O. BOX 4001 Gary, Indiana 46404 [email protected]

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