Metropolitan Apostolic honors peace partners, November 17

The Second Annual MET Peace Planter Awards will be held on Friday, November 17, 2017, hosted by the Metropolitan Apostolic Community Church Restoration Ministry, and Pastor Reverend Dr. Leon D. Finney, Jr. The evening’s celebration and entertainment will start with a 6:00 p.m. reception, followed by a 7:00 p.m. awards program. The Peace Planter Awards will be at the historical landmark, Metropolitan Apostolic Community Church, 4100 S. King Drive in Chicago.

Back of Flyer 2017 PP Awards8The Peace Planter event at the MET will honor as Peace Partners, in six categories, individuals who have demonstrated a strong commitment to serving and “planting peace” in the Chicago community. Peace Partners are those who are willing to join the MET in an assertive effort to plant seeds of peace in our communities. “Everyone wants peace and everyone deserves peace, however, we believe that we must be the “PEACE” that we want to experience in our communities,” said Reverend Leon Finney.

The Peace Planter Award recipients are: Business—Leon I. Walker, Esq., Manager, DL3 Realty, L.P.; Education—Tim King, founder of Urban Prep Academies; Faith—Dr. Mildred C. Harris, founder and president, God First Ministries; Art—Andre and Frances Guichard, owners, Gallery Guichard; Media—Sylvia Ewing, director of communications, The Center for Economic Progress and WTTW-PBS on-air host; Young Achievers—Jahmal Cole, founder, My Block, My Hood, My City; and special recognition to D. Curtis Randle for his work in Gospel Radio. John W. Rogers, Jr., Chairman and CEO Ariel Investments will receive the Peace Planter Superior Lifetime Service Award.

Entertainment will be provided by Chicago’s own Terisa Griffin, international singer and musician; and the MET Choir, featuring Andrea Miller.

The mission of the congregation at the MET is to demonstrate “our love for others by sharing our faith and uplifting the community around us,” explained Tiffany Blackmon-Burnette, 2017 event chairperson. She added that the church has served in many capacities throughout 125 years and continues to be a catalyst in the community for meeting the needs of the people, whether it be shelter, community events, funerals, political, the arts, education, after school programs or feeding the community.

For more information on the event, go to for tickets or ads, or call Tiffany Blackmon-Burnett at (773) 313-0146 or visit the website at

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