“For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink … The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me’.” (Matthew 25: 35,40)

In response to the current need brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, all 2020 Mercy Fund grant monies will be awarded to support the immediate needs of the hungry within the Diocese of Gary. The Grants Committee of the Catholic Foundation for Northwest Indiana elected to redesign the 2020 Grant Cycle so the organization can provide resources where they are most needed today. Rather than postpone the grant cycle, the committee, in conjunction with the Board of Directors of the Catholic Foundation, has selected a creative way that is aligned with the mission of the Mercy Fund during this time of crisis.

One of the stated purposes of The Mercy Fund is to grant monies to organizations and programs concentrating on “Acts of Mercy” – feeding the hungry is such an act.

The economic conditions have created immense needs to feed the hungry, as the numbers of hungry multiply and our local food pantries and meal services report huge increases in demand for services.

Courtesy of NWICatholic 02
Lori and Mike Williams (from left) place food items in a bag as Don Organ unpacks canned goods during a Backpack Program packing night at The Salvation Army of LaPorte on Nov. 20. Members from the LaPorte Catholic Community Churches and other local church communities gather to pack food for 435 LaPortes schoolchildren to take home on weekends. (Bob Wellinski photo)

For the 2020 grant cycle, the committee was encouraged to review all prior grant applicants and identify programs designed to feed the hungry. Following confirmation that the respective organizations are still engaging in programs to feed the hungry, each will be awarded a pro rata share of the 2020 Grant funds.

The Catholic Foundation is confident that this streamlined process will best serve the needs of our community with the resources available. We are living in an unprecedented time. Together, with Christ by our side, we will overcome this crisis. Mercy is strong. Mercy rises to all challenges. Mercy shall prevail.

For more information or to donate, contact the Foundation at [email protected].

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