The Crusader Newspaper Group

Men, Be your Own Health Advocate

Men's Health

June is Men’s Health Month, and I have penned several columns encouraging others to become health advocates in support of the men in their lives. While this is always a good idea, this year, I am challenging men everywhere to take charge of their health and be your own advocate.

Men’s Health Month was created to encourage men to take care of their bodies by eating right, exercising, and working to prevent disease. Rather than waiting on the wife, significant other, sibling, parent, children or caregiver, your health and wellness should start with you!

Here are a few simple practices to implement to help develop a regular health routine:

  1. Place all of your doctor’s appointments and routine check-ups on a calendar both in digital format and hard copy. Be sure to share this information with someone whom you trust and may be accompanying you to these appointments.
  2. Do a monthly wellness check at home. Are you gaining or losing weight? Any change in appetite, signs of fatigue, rashes, etc.? If something seems out of sorts, make an appointment to see your doctor, and have it checked out.
  3. Make healthy food choices. Loading your diet with fruits, vegetables, proteins, healthy fats and water goes a long way. Discuss your diet with your physician and ask for suggestions to ensure the foods you ingest benefit your body the most.
  4. Don’t forget about your mental wellness. Be mindful of any mood swings, frequent sadness or any other character traits that are not common to your persona. Make an appointment to talk with a mental health professional. Sometimes just talking to someone in confidence about your feelings can make a world of difference.
  5. Make time to do things that you enjoy. Whether it’s a game of golf, going for a swim or simply spending time with family, participating in activities that bring happiness can be beneficial to your health.

Routinely discussing the health of our men has been taboo for too long. Men’s Health Month is the perfect time to start anew and to be open and honest about your physical and mental well-being. Your health matters!

Dr. Janet Seabrook - Health
Dr. Janet Seabrook

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