Memorial Day 2023 is upon us. It is a federal holiday in the United States that honors and mourns U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the armed forces; it is observed on the last Monday of May, which means Memorial Day 2023 will occur on Monday, May 29. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, it marks the beginning of the summer season. (Wikipedia)
We are living in a time of change, and because of this, a lot of ideas are expanding to embrace broader concepts. This is why it is feasible for the Memorial Day holiday to be celebrated in a manner that includes people beyond those who lost their lives while serving in the military.
We are justified in honoring civilians who have lost their lives in the wars against slavery, Jim Crow racism, and in everyday life situations in the battle for survival. In essence, Memorial Day is a day set aside for memories of those who are no longer physically among us.
Unfortunately, there is a battle going on in America regarding what memories should be embraced. There are a number of individuals who call themselves American citizens who want to deliberately squash some of our collective memories. There is a saying that if we fail to remember important aspects of our lives we may find ourselves in a predicament where we will have to repeat our errors.
For example, if we forget about the challenges left to us by the institution of slavery, we would continue to forget the impact it has had in shaping our lives. We must remember that the reason our lives are like they are today is due to our responses to the past based on our memories of it!
Unfortunately, there are a number of factors in place today that have caused a type of cultural amnesia. This can be seen in the behavior and philosophy of life of those Americans who are against teaching some aspects of American history as it relates to Black people. If some of the people who oppose the idea of reparations for Black people who have been impacted by the institution of slavery could remember how it manifested, they might form a different opinion about reparations.
Truth be told, that might be the reason behind why there is a shadow cabal who want to ensure the spread of cultural amnesia in America. They fear the consequences of the previous actions of American oppressors and believe that if people learn the truth, they would not be so quick to honor the ridiculous notion of banning legitimate historical knowledge.
Basically, those who are actively striving to keep important historical information away from Americans are waging war against the minds of the American people, and this includes all races. The attacks on our collective historical memory create a philosophical black hole in our culture that serves as part of the dumbing down weaponry! When memories of a significant set of the American people are blocked, there is a philosophical and cultural blackout that results.
The concept of reparations factors large in the idea of historical memory. If our memories of past atrocities are suppressed, there is no logical ground for reparations because people can’t or don’t remember the actions that would warrant the distribution of them; they can’t see a need for “repair.”
It is important to understand that “warfare” is a multi-level affair, and those who have lost their lives due to America’s toxic historical wars on its Black citizens might be considered victims of war. Therefore, in addition to remembering the military personnel and the members of non-military families who have lost their lives, we should remember all of the American freedom fighters on Memorial Day.
One last thing; in addition to honoring the memories of those who have passed on, we must not forget their legacies. Every person is a potential asset for our communities, and when lives are lost we also stand to lose the legacies those persons would have bequeathed if we can’t remember them. With this said, the Crusader wishes for you and yours a happy and safe Memorial Day holiday! A Luta Continua.