Mayor Prince Calls On Community, Businesses To Support Little League Team

Mayor Jerome A. Prince recently called on residents, businesses and elected officials throughout Northwest Indiana to help financially support the Calumet Region Baseball Sr. League All-Stars as the team makes its first appearance at a Little League State Championship in Indiana.

The team is working to raise $6,000 to pay for meals, lodging and travel expenses for the 14-year-old through 16-year-old players for the four-day trip beginning July 22nd. Mayor Prince said he has personally pledged to match up to $1,000 in donations, and he called on community members, elected officials and businesses to help the young men in their journey.

“These young men worked very hard and played great baseball so they can have this dream opportunity, and people from throughout Gary and Lake County can help make this dream a reality for them,” Mayor Prince said. “These players have represented us with honor and integrity. Now, it’s on us, as residents, civic and business leaders, to pitch in and make this happen for them.”

The Home Field Advantage Foundation, made of representatives from the City of Gary, U.S. Steel and the Gary SouthShore RailCats, made a $1,500 contribution to the cause. The foundation supports youth baseball and softball in Gary.

“The Foundation has been supporting youth sports in Gary for years, so this is exciting for us and for everyone in Northwest Indiana,” said Foundation Executive Director Lou Martinez. “We’re thrilled for the team, and we’re more than happy to help provide this experience for them.”

Coach Earmon “Pooch” Hill said the opportunity to travel to Greenwood, Indiana, to represent Northwest Indiana is more than a chance to extend a baseball season.

“We’re trying to give these young men from this area a different experience, something they will remember for a lifetime,” Coach Hill said. “Imagine how many younger players these young men will inspire just by earning a trip to the state championship.”

Coach Hill said the Calumet Region Little League is made of the former Merrillville, Gary Metro, Miller, Lake Station and Longfellow Little Leagues.

For more information on how the public can help the Calumet Region Baseball Sr. League All-Star Team, contact Coach Hill at (219) 808-9312 or contact Michael Gonzalez, City of Gary Communications Director, at (219) 617-0796.

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