Let your high schooler explore aviation with L.A.U.N.C.H Chicago

The DuSable Museum of African American History to host a day of interaction and fun Saturday, May 18, 2019

High school sophomores and juniors from across the entire Chicagoland area, who are interested in careers in aviation and aerospace, are invited to attend and participate in L.A.U.N.C.H. Chicago, a fun-filled day of exploration and excitement. The day will include informative and interactive rotating stations with drones flying, aerospace simulations, rocket launching, 3D printing, coding and much more. The event will take place on Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 18, 2019 at the DuSable Museum of African American History, located at 740 East 56th Place (57th Street and South Cottage Grove Avenue) in Chicago and is sponsored by Tuskegee NEXT! .

L.A.U.N.C.H Chicago @ DuSable is a component of  L.A.U.N.C.H. @ DuSable, an immersive four day event (May 15 through May 18, 2019) which will allow entire clas- ses of high school students the opportunity to enjoy “Rise Above,” a traveling exhibit which includes an exclusive, 30 minute film highlighting the Tuskegee Airmen and their story, artifacts and an overall interactive experience. L.A.U.N.C.H. is a nationwide initiative that stands for “Local Advocates United Nurturing Children’s Horizons.”

Tuskegee NEXT! is a non-profit organization dedicated to honoring the legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen through transforming the lives of at-risk youth via aviation education and career path opportunities, so that they may in turn transform their communities. This is accomplished by providing role models and accessible paths toward aviation careers through” Flight Training, Life Skills and Educational Assistance. The students not only receive this valuable training but also succeed in an 8-10 week residential flight training program at DuPage Airport which allows them to obtain their pilot licenses during summer break.

This event is FREE and a complimentary breakfast and lunch will be served. However space is limited and reservations are required. To RSVP visit www.dusablemuseum.org or call 773-947-0600 to register. Admission is limited to high school sophomores and juniors

L.A.U.N.C.H. Chicago is being presented by Tuskegee NEXT Foundation and the DuSable Museum of African American History, with additional support from Boeing, IIT and My Community Plan Foundation.

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