Leaked emails from U. of Chicago fraternity go after blacks, Muslims

By Alexandra Samuels, The University of Texas at Austin/USA Today

Another group of fraternity brothers have allegedly gone bad, this time at the University of Chicago.

Members of Alpha Epsilon Pi, a historically Jewish fraternity, called a Muslim student a “terrorist,” said “dynamite and C-4 explosives were fixtures of Islamic culture” and made plans to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day at a fried chicken restaurant, according to emails obtained by BuzzFeed News.

“The language used in these emails is offensive, and it is not consistent with the University’s values or our strong commitment to ensuring that people with diverse backgrounds and perspectives can thrive on our campus,” Michele Rasmussen, dean of students at the university, said in an email to USA TODAY College.

In the emails – which reportedly were provided by a fraternity member on the condition he not be identified – members also defended the use of the n-word included in a brother’s nickname, and referred to an abandoned lot as “Palestine.”

In a statement given to USA TODAY College, Jonathan Pierce, past international president of AEPi and the fraternity’s spokesman said:

“Alpha Epsilon Pi International Fraternity clearly does not endorse the language, references or subject matter in the private emails released today in the BuzzFeed article. As a Jewish fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi is especially sensitive to hate speech and behavior towards any minorities. Especially during these troubling times of increased anti-Semitism on college campuses, we are very aware of the harm that negative speech — even in such non-public usages — can do.”

Piece says they are going to “work with the individuals in the chapter to educate them about the harm that such speech and thinking can bring to others. It is important to note, though, that many of these private emails are from some time ago and the chapter has worked to eradicate this type of behavior and speech.”

The national organization has begun an investigation into the chapter, reported BuzzFeed News.

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