Kari K. Steele turns in four times the number signatures required

There are few things that have remained a constant since the inception of Covid-19 in the United States in 2020. With school closings, remote learning, remote work, job layoffs, business closings, virtual meetings and social isolation that all created communities of concern, a culture of anxiety for the masses and an uncertain future.

Voters have shown in their thousands of signatures on numerous candidates’ petitions, all circulated during Covid-19, that they have paid attention to the details in how the City of Chicago, State of Illinois and Cook County has addressed, ignored or mishandled the most critical circumstances to the least concerning during very challenging times for all.

During the extended time of uncertainty, the electoral process remained constant. On Monday, candidates began turning in petitions to the Board of Elections, due March 7-14, that will potentially allow them to be on the 2022 ballots.

Copy of KariWithPetitionsKari K. Steele, candidate for Cook County Assessor has a proven track record of taking on challenging circumstances, making history and finding solutions. Voters can again launch her to become “a first” when elected to serve as the first female elected to serve as Cook County Assessor.  The potential support was demonstrated in the thousands of signatures Steele turned in to the Board of Elections on Monday, March 14. Steele arrived with a Roadmaster red wagon to carry the pile-high petitions totaling four times the amount of signatures required and nearly as many signatures turned in by the entire Cook County slate combined.

“There are so many factors needed to restore the residents of Cook County. The value of their home and real estate taxes is a paramount factor, and I want to be entrusted with the Lead to ensure fair, accurate and transparent assessments,” said candidate for Cook County Assessor Kari K. Steele.  

There are so many candidates looking to restore communities and assist in the recovery efforts for a strong and sustainable today, while building healthier, thriving families of the future. The electoral process has sustained the roughest and toughest of times. The voters remain diligent and watchful for who has their best interest at the forefront. This election season is unique and on the heel of some very unprecedented, historical circumstances. Petitions are just the first step in showing potential support to be placed on the ballot. Votes are the key to change and accountability. For more information on Kari K. Steele for Cook County Assessor visit www.kariforassessor.com.

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