JSU Chicago Alumni come together to support future

PICTURED HOLDING THE $10K donation to the Jackson State University Development Foundation from, l-r, first row, are Brendolyn Hart Glover, president, JSUNAA; Annette Johnson, and Greg Johnson, donors; JSU President Thomas Hudson; Keisha Johnson; Earlexia Norwood, M.D., JSUNAA President; Yolanda R. Owens, assistant vice president of JSU Development; and David Howard, director of JSU Alumni Affairs. Second row, standing behind Keisha Johnson is Ezra Johnson.

A VIP reception was held this past week at the home of Daryl and Verlena Newell on behalf of Thomas K. Hudson, J.D., president of Jackson State University (JSU). The event was hosted by the Jackson State University National Alumni Association Chicago Alumni Chapter; Larry Huggins, founder of the Chicago Football Classics; Carolyn Curry; and Belvon Walker. The JSUCAC scholarship fundraising event, “For The Love of Blue XI: Thee Comeback” continued its fundraising activities the next day at Blanc Gallery.

(Photos by Simon Cotton, SGC Photography and CGPalmer.)

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