Ivy Tech’s Keisha L. White named among 2016 Cohort Fellows

Keisha L. White, Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs at Ivy Tech Community College’s East Chicago campus, was named one of 15 fellows with the Thomas Lakin Institute for Mentored Leadership (Lakin Institute). The Presidents’ Round Table, a national association dedicated to supporting African-American leaders and students in community colleges, presents the Lakin Institute annually.

White, a resident of Merrillville, Ind., oversees the student affairs department, which includes financial aid, advising, the express enrollment center, information center, bursar’s office and 21st Century Scholars. Previously, she served as Associate Director of Admissions. White has a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication from Indiana University Northwest and a master’s degree in adult education from National Louis University.

“The 2016 Lakin Cohort is an outstanding group of leaders who will deeply benefit from this experience,” said Dr. Kirk A. Nooks, dean of the Thomas Lakin Institute for Mentored Leadership. “With the complex leadership challenges we are experiencing now and in the future, this group will be able to demonstrate that community colleges are in good hands.”

Hosted this year from Oct. 23-28 in St. Paul, Minn., by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, the Lakin Institute seeks African-American participants whose experience and credentials indicate they are ready to attain the highest academic positions. The program is an opportunity for open dialogue with chancellors, presidents and CEOs. It covers all aspects of academic leadership.

“The Thomas L. Lakin Institute experience has helped more than 100 community college professionals who aspired to executive leadership to reach their goals, including serving as presidents nationwide,” said Charlene Newkirk, south campus president of the Community College of Allegheny County and president of PRT. “The Presidents’ Round Table is committed to growing the talent pipeline for serving our communities with capable and committed leadership.”

More than 200 participants have attended the Lakin Institute since its inception in 1994. The Lakin Institute has the highest graduate placement rate of any leadership institute in the United States. One of three participants become a college chancellor, president or CEO. It is named in honor of Dr. Thomas Lakin, a former chancellor of the Ventura County (CA) Community College District.

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