H&M slammed for racism after showing black boy in ‘coolest monkey in the jungle’ hoodie

By Christopher Brennan, nydailynews.com

Clothing giant H&M has been slammed for racism after featuring a photo of a black boy wearing a “coolest monkey in the jungle” hoodie.

The hoodie, available at the store’s United Kingdom page as a “printed hooded top,” was noticed Sunday by social media users such as blogger Stephanie Yeboah, whose outraged screen capture of the offering went viral.

H&M, based in Sweden, apologized Monday morning for what many said was an insensitive association between the young model and a hateful slur against black people.

Read more at http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/h-m-slammed-racism-coolest-monkey-jungle-hoodie-article-1.3744160

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