GCSC participates in the Inaugural School Administrators of Color

Dr. Yvonne Stokes

The Gary Community School Corporation (GSCS) participated in the Inaugural Administrators of Color Preparing for the Future Conference held in Indianapolis on September 8-9, 2024. 

Presented by the Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents (IAPSS), the conference was created to provide resources and networking opportunities for public school administrators of color ranging from newer professionals to more veteran educators. 

“I was proud to represent the Gary Community School Corporation along with my team members,” said newly appointed Supertintendent Dr. Yvonne Stokes. “Not only did we make some great connections, but attended sessions that provided strategies on school leadership that we will be sure to share and implement accordingly.”

The conference featured topics on effective leadership, strategies for educating Black and Hispanic males, a panel discussion with Indiana legislators, keynote speakers, a networking reception, awards luncheon and vendor fair. The goal is to increase and develop more school administrators of color in districts across Indiana.

Also in attendance from the district were Chief Operating Officer Dee Etta Wright and Public Relations Consultant Chelsea Whittington.

“It was fascinating and enlightening to learn about the educational trends and tools available to help make our scholars successful,” said Whittington. “This type of networking is needed as our team is actively working to take the Gary schools to the next level.”

For more information about the conference and IAPSS, visit http://www.iapss-in.org. To enroll your scholar in the Gary Schools, visit www.Garyschools.org.

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