Gary youth turns tragedy to triumph after personal loss

Aaliyah Stewart is 18 years old and on a mission to open The Hope Center in Gary, Indiana. It is a community youth center being opened to provide a safe haven for children. She plans to open The Hope Center June 2020.

Stewart is also on a mission to raise awareness about the epidemic of gun violence and to empower children to use their voice for positive change. Stewart knows firsthand what it is like to experience the trauma of senseless gun violence because two of her brothers were murdered. However, she has grown from tragedy to triumph. Stewart is the Founder of the ASW Foundation which she started during her freshmen year of high school to provide hope for the lost. It is a 501C3 organization that she established in honor of her two brothers that were killed due to senseless gun violence. Along with the ASW Foundation she started a movement called #IAMTHEM which means I am my youth letting them know no matter what you go through or where you come from you have potential! While sharing her story through motivational speaking she empowers people of all ages that there is hope in life.

#IAMTHEM is dedicated to encouraging youth to love who they are and to accept the leadership skills that were given to them. Stewart has utilized the ASW Foundation to give community service hours for community service work; to provide scholarships for high school seniors; to host an annual toy drive; a talent show; a peace walk; seminars, scholarship fundraisers and charitable fashion shows.

For more information about ASW Foundation and to support the  Hope Center call: 408-444-0850 or visit Stewart’s website:

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