Gary gets creative with financing the Gary Air Show

…Nonprofit Committee seeks funds

With the support of a community planning committee, the city of Gary will host a Car Show next month as a fundraiser for the Gary Air Show.

The 2019 Gary Car Show will be one of several fundraisers for the 2020 Gary Air Show sponsored by the City of Gary and the nonprofit Friends of the Gary Air Show. The Legacy Foundation, a private entity holds a charitable fund for Friends of the Gary Air Show.

Held amidst the backdrop for the staging of the Chicago Air and Water Show, the Gary Car Show will be held Saturday, August 17 and Sunday, August 18 at the Gary/Chicago International Airport from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. each day. The event site for the show will be the 9-acre Airport parking lot.

The Gary Car Show will be a family event at the Gary airport where those attending will enjoy the jet teams and aerial acts of the Chicago Air and Water Show, displays, good food and beverage, music and merchandise vendors. There will also be activities and fun for the children.

All type vehicles are welcome to participate in the car show. The vehicle placement fee will be $20. The placement fee for motorcycles will be $10. Awards will be presented in various categories. Registration will be on the day of the event. General Admission will be $5. Children under 8 will be admitted free of charge.

While plans are being finalized to host this fundraiser for the Gary Air Show, the committee continues to look for donations to support the Car Show.  Funds will be used for marketing, supplies and facilities. Donations may be made to the Friends of the Gary Air Show via the Legacy Foundation at this link:

Organizers say, “We want to present an event that Gary can be proud to host. This is our best opportunity to raise funds this summer and to increase awareness of our committee’s efforts to support the Gary Air Show. Every dollar counts!”

The city cancelled the 2018 and 2019 Gary Air Shows while in the midst of a financial recovery plan which began in 2018.

Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson said, “Hosting the show is a costly event. Presenting the event during the last two years was simply not feasible. I commend the efforts of the community planning committee and thank them for their unwavering service to this major undertaking.” The Air Show committee was formed last year and continues to bring ideas to the table.

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