Nonprofit Group Providing Education and Information on Clinical Research and its Role in the Development of New Treatments and Vaccines
A unique clinical research education event produced by the Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP) and supported by local research teams, advocacy groups and a consortium of biopharmaceutical and service provider organizations will be held on Thursday, July 16. Called “AWARE for All,” the online event is free and open to the public and will take place from 4-6 p.m. CST via a customized, novel and secure online platform.
“Clinical research education and awareness is even more critical today—especially among diverse, underserved communities,” says Dr. Karriem S. Watson, DHS, MS, MPH, Associate Executive Director, Mile Square Health Center UI Health, Associate Director, Community Outreach and Engagement UI Cancer Center at UIC and the overview presenter at the online AWARE event. “Now is the time to ensure that new therapies are developed that reflect our diverse population here in Chicago. This program is an important way to learn about ways we can all take part—whether that’s through helping to design clinical trials or monitoring the groups that design these studies—or by participating in clinical research as study volunteers. These are all ways to help improve public health and eliminate health disparities.”
This interactive, online program on July 16 features memory exercises and mindful meditation, a panel discussion with local patients and researchers that focuses on clinical research experiences, health advocacy and equity, COVID-19 research, oncology, and cardiovascular health; and there will be an innovative online virtual health and wellness exhibit fair that features educational resources from local health and research organizations. The goal of the unique event is to inform and empower individuals to make informed decisions about participating in clinical research opportunities.
Learn more about clinical research, important questions to ask before getting involved, and other valuable information.
Register for the free online event, or call 877-633-4376.
AWARE for All event planning committee and local supporters includes the AWARE Industry Consortium, Peer Plus, Rush Institute for Translational Medicine, Allergy and Asthma Network, Aurora Advocate Health, Chicago Cancer Health Equity Collaborative, Equal Hope, Force Medical, Georgia Doty Comprehensive Health, Great Lakes Clinical Trials, JDRF, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Lupus Society of Illinois, Northwestern Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center, NUCATS, SOAAR/Center for Food Allergy & Asthma Research Center, Susan G. Komen, UIC Cancer Center and Drugviu.
About CISCRP: A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to engaging the public and patients as partners in the clinical research process. CISCRP provides free education and outreach to the general public and patient communities. Visit for more information or to participate in CISCRPs educational initiatives.