Former Miss Teen USA: I was told ‘Trump doesn’t like Black people’

By Lilly Workneh,

Kamie Crawford, a black Maryland native who won Miss Teen USA in 2010 tweeted about her experience meeting Donald Trump. On Wednesday, she wrote that she was “totally caught off guard” when she was told that he “doesn’t like black people.”

She was told Trump only likes a certain “type” of black person. Read her revealing tweets below:



screen-shot-2016-10-13-at-11-46-59-amCrawford’s story is cringeworthy, but unsurprising given Trump’s attitude toward the black community this entire election season. From his pitch to bring back more policing and reinforce racial profiling to his insistence that all black people live in hellish inner cities, Trump has shown no real concern or appreciation of black lives in America.

Plus, Trump has repeatedly demonstrated that he views and treats women as no more than objects.

screen-shot-2016-10-13-at-11-47-07-amCrawford, who is a 2015 graduate of Fordham University and currently manages her own fashion company, admitted on Twitter that she was at first pleased to hear she had Trump’s approval during her days in the pageant. However, looking back, she now realizes Trump is grossly problematic and is simply unfit to be this country’s president.

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