Fifth Avenue Church hosts Charity Event for Homeless Women

The United Methodist Women of Fifth Avenue Church are collecting donations for homeless women in the lobby of their church on 2600 West 5th Avenue. They are collecting items such as toiletries and household items to donate to local shelters in need.

Homeless shelters such as “The Ark” and “Rainbow” receive the donations raised by the church members. Items needed are shampoo/conditioner, body wash, deodorant, towels, toothbrushes and any other toiletries that donors wish to provide.

Marcella Brazelton, the treasurer of The United Methodist Women, said they deliver donations to these shelters about twice year, instead of only certain times of the year. “Some shelters are forgotten about during the year, so we collect donations for them throughout the year to replenish what they might have run out of from the holidays” Brazelton said.

The first delivery to drop off donations is usually around February or March. Linetta Jones, the Public Relations specialist of the Methodist Women, said “A part of Fifth Avenue’s mission is to have charity events at least a couple times a year.”

The church has been an integral part of the community through various giving back efforts and feeding the less fortunate for 10 years. Fifth Avenue welcomes anyone to visit their church, whether it’s to donate, sit in on the service Sunday mornings or to join the church in general.

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