Thursday, April 28, humanitarian and businessman Dr. Willie Wilson joined more than 200 faith leaders across Cook County’s various communities. Among those who spoke in favor of Attorney Boykin’s candidacy included Rev. A. Edward Davis, Rev. Shando Valdez, Bishop Wilson Ignobisa, Apostle Ron Wilson, Apostle Hosea Acevedo, Pastor Crystal Moye, D.J. Ray Rubio, Bishop Florin Cimpean, Apostle Carlos Chica, Minister Diana Baker, Evangelist Dorothy Brown Cook, and Rev. Leroy Elliott.
In a speech delivered at the New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church, Dr. Wilson expressed full-throated backing of Attorney Boykin’s Public Safety Plan to address the escalating public safety concerns in Cook County. Wilson said, “We have a public safety crisis in Cook County. President Preckwinkle has had 12 years to address crime and she has not. Last year, more than 1,000 people were killed in Cook County, 81 percent of those killed were African Americans and 15 percent were Latinos. The current Board President has failed and it is time for real change—Attorney Boykin represents that change.”
This call for change was a recurring theme echoed in remarks made by Apostle Ron Wilson, Dr. Diane Baker as well as Bishop Florin Cimpean of the Romanian Church.
Pastor Leroy Elliott of the Westside backed Attorney Boykin’s ability to address the ever rising cost of living in Cook County: “We know Attorney Boykin and we trust him. He will prioritize safety for our communities and make sure that Cook County is affordable for all of us. As a former Cook County Commissioner, he stood up for us and led the effort to repeal the sugar tax and feminine hygiene tax. We will mobilize souls to the polls—it’s time for change.”
In his address Attorney Boykin said, “I stand here truly humbled and grateful for the support of Dr. Wilson, and the other faith leaders gathered. I only wish I had the time to thank each and everyone of you in this speech.”
Boykin added, “You are leaders of our faith and leaders of our communities. I want to say today that I hear you. I hear you when you tell me that our communities are hurting; that too many parents are losing their children at far too early an age; that families who have known only Cook County as home are being forced to leave because they simply can’t afford to live here anymore. I hear you when you tell me that our County government has failed to protect our most vulnerable communities, and that our people deserve better.”
“I do not take your support lightly, and I do not take these issues lightly. I promise you, with God as witness, that as Cook County Board President, I will finally address these longstanding and worsening issues of public safety and affordability. This is the only way our communities can simultaneously thrive. I promise to serve the people of Cook County in the way they deserve to be served, and work everyday to restore trust and credibility to County government.