Darren Washington wins vacant city council seat in Gary caucus vote

Darren Washington was sworn in by Gary City Judge Deidre Monroe Saturday as Gary’s newest city councilman after winning the city’s special precinct caucus election.

Washington was favored by the majority of the 45 precinct captains, 26 to 19 over 2nd place vote getter Lori Latham.

He will fill the vacancy created by the departure of at-large councilman Mike Brown. Washington currently serves as president of the Board of the Office of the Calumet Township. Washington didn’t say what date he would join the Gary Common Council.

Calumet Township Trustee Kim Robinson said the Township Board can still function with 2 of its 3 members. “I am in communication with County Chairman Wieser and City Chairman Prince on particulars of when a caucus will be called [to replace Washington].”

At-Large Councilman Mike Brown was sworn in as Lake County Clerk on August 6 after Lorenzo Arredondo resigned as county clerk because of illness. The office went to Brown since he was uncontested in November’s General Election.

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