Congresswoman Kelly caps health care week

Congresswoman Robin Kelly this week traveled the Second District discussing health care accessibility and affordability with families, providers, advocates and policymakers. All mem- bers of the Illinois Congressional delegation were invited to attend.

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (IL-09) and Karen Bass (D-CA) attended along with Senator Dick Durbin, Senator Tammy Duckworth and Congressman Raja Krishnamoo- rthi (IL-08). No Republican members of the delegation attended or sent staff.

“This inquiry focused on moving beyond the partisan rhetoric and finding solutions that will make health care affordable and accessible for all Illinois families,” said Kelly. “Families are tired of the name-calling and finger pointing; they want solutions and affordable care.”

On Tuesday, August 22, Congresswoman Kelly hosted her Second Annual Black Women and Girls Symposium, part of an ongoing series of events hosted by the newly-formed Congressional Caucus on Black Women and Girls. “The purpose of the symposium was to encourage African American women, across generations, to take on leadership roles in their community and to have a meaningful voice in the policymaking that impacts their lives and the lives of their families.”

This event was the ninth event hosted by the caucus and the fourth she’s hosted in Chicago. Additional events were held in New York City, New Jersey, Los Angeles, Seattle and Washington, D.C. Congresswoman Kelly co-chairs the caucus along with Congress- women Bonnie Watson-Coleman (D-NJ) and Yvette Clark (D-NY).

Kelly toured two community health centers, Lydia Healthcare and Family Christian Health Center, in celebration of Community Health Center Week.

“For decades, we’ve known that community health centers and community-focused care are critical and effective in saving lives, providing quality care and educating people to take their health in their hands,” said Congresswoman Kelly. “By touring these facilities and meeting with providers, patients and support staff, I can go back to Washington and work on solutions that improve access to quality, affordable and local health care for Illinois families.”

Later in the week, Kelly will join the IlliniCare Health Fair and Back-to-School Kickoff at Compassion Baptist Church.

Kelly held additional visits/meetings during “Solutions Only Health Care Week” with local aldermen, members of the Cook County Health Foundation Board, After School Matters, Aunt Martha’s and constituents from Access Living.

Kelly serves as chair of the Congressional Black Caucus Health Braintrust. She has extensive educational and professional experience on health care issues, especially mental health.



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