Christ Universal pastor offers 21st century solutions in new book

Guidelines for a Master, the first of Chicago-native the Rev. Dr. Derrick B. Wells’s written series focusing on extreme happiness through practical spirituality, is a book that’s difficult to categorize. Some are tempted to label Guidelines a self-help book, but it’s so much more.

Wells’s manuscript traverses through a series of life’s lessons offering 12 well-defined steps designed to uplift, encourage and congratulate, but only if the reader is willing to admit that he or she enters the gates of success powered by his own steam. And, that true happiness is attainable through better living and following the modern lessons of metaphysical Christianity.

Wells, CEO and senior minister of Chicago icon Christ Universal Temple, provides pearls of wisdom on mental and physical health, spirituality and biblical teachings to inspire readers to achieve happiness. Some of the chapter headings, or steps, include: “Recognize that Happiness is Already in You,” “Experience Less Fear and Greater Happiness,” “Fill the World with Happiness: The Law of Giving &  Receiving” and “Open Up the Happy Flow through Meditation.”

What sets Guidelines apart from other books offering advice for holistic living is that Wells and his co-writer Dr. Stanley Robertson pepper Guidelines with quotes from the 1980s fictional character, Bruce Leroy, made famous in the cult classic film The Last Dragon. The inserts are intended to add relatability and sometimes levity to traditional principles.

One such Leroy quote says: “Do not get mad at one who knows more than you do.  It’s not their fault.”  Another more serious bit of wisdom: “If you do not change your direction, you will likely end up where you are headed.

Think of it in terms of adding castor oil to orange juice – the cure is the same, although the experience is more palpable and easier to digest.

The result is an easy-to-read, 180-page journey that will inspire even world-class pessimists to think beyond their current situation to strive for higher goals.  And Wells, once a troubled youth, knows what he’s writing about.

“The theories that we discuss in Guidelines are many of the principles that were passed along to me as a struggling youth by my mentor, the legendary Rev. Dr. Johnnie Colemon, who founded Christ Universal Temple more than 60 years ago,” says Wells.

“Through these lessons, which I still practice every day, I am able to enjoy extreme happiness and understanding.  My goal is to inspire as many people as possible to live beyond their present, whatever the present may be, and encourage them to recognize that extreme happiness and success are choices that are achievable by following a few simple rules – and never giving up.”

Guidelines for a Master is available now in paperback on  The book is also available for purchase in the Christ Universal Temple bookstore, located on the church’s campus at 11901 South Ashland in Chicago.

About The Rev. Dr. Derrick B. Wells

The Rev. Dr. Derrick B. Wells  holds a doctorate in educational leadership and is the CEO and Senior Minister at Christ Universal Temple for Better Living in Chicago. His positive messages help people live better lives through practical Christianity and are based on the principles of truth. Dr. Wells lives in Chicago with his wife, Sylvia. They have two children.

About Dr. Stanley Robertson

Dr. Stanley G. Robertson holds a law degree and a doctorate in business administration and accounting. He is the CFO at Christ Universal Temple for Better Living in Chicago and is a college professor who is passionate about helping people reach their goals, both personal and professional. He lives in Chicago with his wife, LaTanya. They have three children

About The Temple:

Christ Universal Temple, located at 11901 South Ashland, is a Chicago icon. The 61-year-old church is noted for its modern-day fellowship which has progressed under the leadership of native, the Rev. Dr. Derrick B. Wells, for the past six years. The Temple’s original teachings are based on the idea of better living through metaphysical Christianity, and the key to happy and successful living is right thinking followed by right action. More information about The Temple is available at

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