A group of Black Women Physicians and Associates met on Sunday, October 6, 2019 to celebrate the progress and the level of inclusion and diversity among women practitioners in Northwest Indiana. Over forty Black Women Physicians were identified as serving in areas throughout the region in varied specialties and receiving distinguished service reviews.
The Celebration Tea highlighted the achievements and successes of these women physicians and their contributions in making a difference in the delivery of health care services. Guest speaker, Dr. Gloria Elam, Clinical Professor and Associate Dean for Inclusion and Diversity, University of Illinois at Chicago, presented an Overview: “Academic Medicine Today.”
The group discussed a mission as “Black Women Physicians of Northwest Indiana” reaching out to expand health care services and providing programs to increase the awareness and participation of underrepresented students in the medical field. The group will explore options and needs at its next meeting, followed by public announcements.
The event was held at the Innsbrook Country Club in Merrillville, Indiana and hosted by the Black Women Physicians Institute (Rose Green Thomas, EdD, President/CEO) and Community Health Net Health Centers, Inc.(Janet Seabrook, MD/MBA).