Celebrations Include a Parade and Ribbon Cutting at Hoyne Park, Home Field for the Omega Delta Youth Baseball & Softball League and a Ribbon Cutting at Kenwood Park, Home Field for the Hyde Park Kenwood Legends
Diamond Project Grant celebrations across Chicago on Saturday, April 30
Cubs Charities, a nonprofit that mobilizes the power of sport to champion youth, families and communities, will host ribbon cuttings in communities across Chicago on Saturday, April 30, to celebrate Diamond Project capital grants. In partnership with the Chicago Park District, the celebrations will gather community groups, local leaders including Alderman George Cardenas (12th Ward), Alderman Sophia King (4th Ward), Chicago Cubs Executive Chairman Tom Ricketts, Chicago Cubs Board Member and Cubs Charities Board Chair Laura Ricketts, and youth baseball and softball players. The investments showcase Cubs Charities’ unwavering support for improving neighborhood baseball and softball fields and facilities, and the support for Chicago youth and communities to have the chance to play on fields that are safe and accessible.
Omega Delta Baseball & Softball League received $140,000 in Diamond Project capital grants to install a new electronic scoreboard, fencing and infield rehab at Hoyne Park. Planned upgrades include installation of an outdoor batting tunnel and a new water fountain. The ribbon cutting will be held at 11:00 a.m.
Hyde Park Kenwood Legends secured $200,000 in Diamond Project capital grants for the rehab of fields and pitching mounds at Kenwood Park. Planned upgrades include replacing dugout benches at three fields and installation of a water source to maintain all diamonds. The ribbon cutting will be held at 1:00 p.m.
In addition to these ceremonies, on April 30, Cubs Charities is celebrating investments in Canaryville Little League field and Dunham Park, home field for Dunham Baseball Organization.
WHO: Cubs Charities, the Chicago Park District, Omega Delta Youth Baseball & Softball League and Hyde Park Kenwood Legends
WHAT: Cubs Charities’ Diamond Project ribbon cuttings to celebrate $140,000 invested in Hoyne Park and $200,000 investment in Kenwood Park since 2019.
WHEN & WHERE: Saturday, April 30
Hoyne Park, 3417 S. Hamilton Ave.
10:30 a.m.: Parade
11:00 a.m.: Ribbon Cutting Program
Kenwood Community Park, 1330 E. 50th St.
1:00 p.m.: Ribbon Cutting Program
In the event of inclement weather, such as lightning and/or severe conditions, events will be rescheduled for a later date. Please reach out to the PR contact below for more information.